Thursday, January 12, 2017

What I Hope to Gain from the Class

            Waking up at the same time each morning, going to work every day on a set schedule, working for someone else’s dream, coming home, going to bed, and doing the same thing again and again until I retire is not something I look forward to. In fact, it is something I dread with a passion. Finding hobbies or searching for the little things in life to keep me occupied while I am not working sounds like it is just meant to fill in the gaps. Defining myself to someone else by my occupation isn’t something I wish to grow accustomed to. I don’t want to tell someone something like that when they ask me, “What do you do?” I want to be able to reply with, “I am a guy who loves going out with friends, snowboarding, traveling around the world, collecting interesting souvenirs, helping others find what they want in life, working out at the gym, buying my dream cars, building my next home, hanging out with my wife and kids, taking on new experiences, and so much more.”

            What I want to gain from this class is a way to accomplish this kind of lifestyle or even accomplish these kinds of goals. I don’t want to be limited by a boss and helping them with ‘their dream’. I want to find my own and work to making it a reality. I want to live day to day not as something to fill in the gaps, but to fulfill my purpose in this life. I want to mean something. I want to be something, not just another cog in the system all my life. I believe entrepreneurship is the way to achieving that.

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