Thursday, January 12, 2017

3 Business Ideas

            3 business ideas I thought of include 2 having to do with apps and one other idea. My first app idea is similar to the app known as Doordash where people who apply can become personal contractors who deliver food from restaurants to customers. They are then rated on their performance and are paid upon delivery completion through the app. My app would have to do with computers. Doordash requires each personal contractor to have a car to deliver with, but my app would require personal contractors to have a 3D printer. Through orders sent by customers in a specific area near the personal contractor, such as in a specific city, they would process the blue prints of the order that is sent over through the app from the company, build the computer with a 3D printer, assemble it, then ship it off to the customer. They would only receive orders during the schedule times they signed up for to take care of orders so they could literally only work when they want to and the price of buying a computer would be cheaper in the long run since it doesn’t have to go through so many different hands before reaching the customer. The business running the app would get their cut and the personal contractor would gain from it. Of course this requires computer assembling that is made simple so most people could do it within an hour or two so getting in more orders could be possible in a day.
            My second app idea is similar where people work as independent contractors for an app, but in the case of doing 3D printing for cheaper items instead of customers needing to purchase them. Items could range from anything the contracted app company has copyrights over. My third idea is for personal heated clothing. This could pertain to jeans, jackets, or anything similar. It could have built in heating or cooling depending on the setting.

            I have a bit of a better grasp on the first idea and the second and third ones were things I considered as alright ideas that I may expand upon later.

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